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How Minwamon Mentoring Can Help?

Our non-talk approach protects your right to privacy while still helping you remove the negative emotions that surround the memory of trauma

Minwamon (Min-a-moon) is an Ojibwa word for “a good path, or a good trail”. Stop for a moment and think about the people around you; have they lost their way? Given the opioid crisis, the alarming suicide rate, particularly for Indidgenous youth, and the degree of violence the world is experiencing right now, it’s easy to see how trauma and trauma-reactive behaviour has blinded people to finding their path.

Have you lost your way? Do you get angry easily? Do certain people, places or events leave you feeling vulnerable, out of control or just deeply unhappy? Do you believe that you’re not worthy of good things happening to you? Do you believe that you’re only to do for others, but can never ask others to do for you? Do you believe the world is unsafe? These and many more negative beliefs are the result of unresolved trauma and are blocking you from your good path!  

We at Minwamon Mentoring understand that some things are so terrible that you can’t speak about them. Our non-talk approach protects your right to privacy while still helping you remove the negative emotions that surround the memory of trauma. In 4 easy, gentle yet effective steps, you can clear away the debris of trauma, find your good path and stay on it, helping you reach your vision of success!

Our 4-Step Process to Success



Introducing you to your super-conscious and how it works.



We give your brain a simple metaphor that begins the process.


Path Clearing

Each Path Clearing session consists of 3 mini-sessions with time in between each session for input and feedback. During each session, you will begin to see how quickly your negative emotions surrounding the traumatic event will lessen.


Individual exercise

You will be given an exercise to complete each night (preferably) that will help you create a new belief, replacing the negative belief formed by trauma.

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